Highway Exit Slovenia
Travel Guide

Traffic information Slovenia

Travelling to Slovenia by car? Then it’s handy to know where traffic jams, closures and accidents are. Fortunately, Slovenia has this well organised. Discover the app and website that give you all the traffic information you need for your car trip through Slovenia.

On the website www.promet.si/en/map, you will immediately find a handy interactive traffic map with the current state of Slovenia’s roads.

Traffic App for Slovenia

For Google and Android, the Promet.si app is also available. Even with Dutch as a language option!

Apple: Promet.si in the Apple App Store

Android: Promet.si in the Google Play Store

Traffic information on map Slovenia

The official traffic website

Promet.si is Slovenia’s official traffic website. If you go to Slovenia by car, it is useful to keep an eye on the roads en route via the website or the app. Promet’s app is faster and more reliable with traffic information in Slovenia than your navigation or Google Maps.

Dars – Toll vignette

Promet is part of Dars. The administrator of the roads in Slovenia. As a holidaymaker, you know Dars mainly from the toll vignette required to use the motorways. You can buy this toll vignette quickly and directly from DARS via their website. Read all about the toll vignette in Slovenia here.